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Meet Our Board Members !

Yasmine Byrd: President

Yasmine is a senior Human Services major with a psychology minor. Her other on campus involvement includes being the president of Real Peer Educators, a member of the International Student Association, a member of Stangs for Social Action, & a member of the Sexual assault/ Substance Abuse Task force! One interesting fact about Yasmine is that she volunteered at an orphanage in Costa Rica.

Linnea Bleacher: Vice President of Internal Affairs

Linnea is a Senior Human Services major. Her other on campus involvement includes working in the Academic Link and being a member of Best Buddies! One interesting fact about Linnea is that she speaks Swedish as her second language.


Rachel Rudo: Vice president of External Affairs

Rachel is a Senior Human Services major. Her other on campus involvement includes 

being the President of the Jewish Student Association and being  a tutor at the Academic Link! An interesting fact is that she has been at the same camp for 15 years.

Savannah Yoder: Secretary & Treasurer

Savannah is senior Human Services major. One interesting fact about Savannah is that she has lived in four different states and has moved nine times!

Nigel Moore: Publice relations

Nigel is a Junior Business Administration major. His other on campus involvement includes working for Conference Servies, working for Peer Educators, & being the Chair of Finance for M.I.L.E. One interesting fact about Nigel is that he's trying to start a non-profit called the Mutual Respect Project

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